As I unknowingly embarked on this journey of change and self-awareness and growth; yes I say unknowingly because I look back and sometimes feel like I just fell into it. I do believe I was minding my own business when life decided I needed a shake-up or two by having people who would challenge my core enter my life and by having external factors waaayyyy out of my control occur. Of course this led to me trying to control everything which of course led to major upheavals until I have finally give in to the notion that life is in control and I only pretend to be. Keeps me semi-sane.
Anyway, while on this journey (which by the way hasn’t ended…nor will it I suppose until you know the death day) I sought answers and comfort in many different forms. In between the coaching, therapy, reiki, daily meditation, on-and-off yoga, can’t-seem-to-make-it-a-habit-to-listen-to podcasts, once-in-a-while ted talks, distracting websites and at one point a silent retreat (my starting point on learning to be vulnerable…read about it here…; I also read books (and continue doing so) that actually keep me grounded and growing and questioning and answering. I thought a list of some of these books that I’ve read so far may be useful for anyone interested in trying to keep ahead of life before you know it decides you need a shake-up too.

1. The book of awakening by Mark Nepo – a book with daily motivational stories that are about a page long. Provided in date order. My morning cup of tea.
2. The subtle art of not giving a f*ck by Mark Manson. A book that teaches us not to take life or ourselves so seriously (my blog on it here
3 and 4. F**k It and F**k It Therapy by John C Parkin. I touched on their effects on my thinking here:
and here:
(Shout out to my cousin who shares my appreciation for books with swear words and gifted me with these two).
5. Trust your vibes by Sonia Choquette. My entrance into the life of the esoteric. But more importantly practical lessons on how to trust your intuition. If we can trust our intuition, we can trust ourselves a lot more easily.
(Shout out to my sister-in-law for my introduction to Sonia Choquette…me thinks she regrets doing this now).
6. Unf*ck yourself by Gary John Bishop. A book with practical exercises on stepping up in your own life.
7. How to make sh*t happen by Sean Whalen. Okay, disclaimer: Do not read this book unless you’re ready to be told off in as few pages as practically possible. It’s short, nothing new, direct (I was told by someone who was not in a good place and read it too soon that it was offensive). So your choice here. Me? Loved it. I like direct. The more direct the better.
8 and 9. Super Brain by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E Tanzi and You are the Universe by Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos. The thinking in these books is kind of like this:
Love these books because they combine science and mental /emotional/spiritual growth.
10. You can heal your life and Life loves you by Louise Hay. Deep and intense work is required with these books. Deep and intense. And if allowed, life changing.
If you’ve read some of these, let me know if or how they impacted you. What books could you share? Which one stands out?